We have very competitive pricing! Give us a call and see how we compare! Self Storage Irishtown Moncton Dieppe
2654 route 115 Irishtown, NB E1H 2M7 CA
We have very competitive pricing! Give us a call and see how we compare! Self Storage Irishtown Moncton Dieppe
Things You Can’t Store In A Storage Unit
Storing something like a dead body in a storage unit is obviously illegal. However, there are many
less obvious things you shouldn’t put in self-storage. We’ve made a list to help you figure
out what you can and can’t store. Please note that while there are many
restrictions on what you can’t store, these restrictions are in place for
your protection and the protection of your belongings.
1. Animals (Dead Or Alive)
Storing any sort of live animal in a storage unit is illegal.
Storing dead animals that you have legally hunted but haven’t had time to take to a
taxidermist is prohibited because it attracts pests.
2. Things That Attract Pests
It may be clear that storing food is prohibited because it attracts outside critters but you
should also be aware of some other items to avoid:
Corkboards (pests are attracted to its particular scent)
Scented candles
Food items such as beans or rice in bags
Plants, seeds, and soil
Bird Seed
Animal food
Water jugs
Banana boxes
Plastic grocery bags
Paper that is not properly boxed (paper should be packed in boxes and the boxes should be
taped up on all sides)
Foam, including bed covers, pillows, etc. If you want to store foam, it needs to be stored in a
plastic sealed container
3. Unregistered And Uninsured Vehicles
Since storage facilities do not provide insurance on vehicles, you cannot store an
unregistered, warranted, damaged, or uninsured vehicle in a storage unit. All vehicles must
be registered and registration must be present upon move in. the storage facility reserves
the right to check with the ministry to see if the vehicle is registered.
4. Combustible And Flammable Items
Storing combustible or flammable items puts your storage unit at the risk of catching fire or
actually exploding. Flammable and combustible things you shouldn’t store are:
Propane tanks [noflammables]
Aerosol cans
Jerry Cans
Corrosive waste
Kerosene lamps
Asbestos or products containing asbestos
If you are looking to store items that run on fuel (example: motorcycles, boats, ATVs, RVs,
lawn mowers, snowblowers, weed-wackers, etc) you must winterize them if you can and
empty all of the fuel out before storing it.
5. People
You can NOT live in a storage unit!
You cannot store deceased relatives or human bodies in your storage unit (No matter how
much you love them it is illegal!)
6. Stolen Items
Any item that does not belong to you or was not consented to be borrowed is considered
illegal if in your possession and cannot be stored in a storage unit. If a warrant is requested
for a unit that is suspected of storing stolen items, the storage facility must follow the law
and allow officers into the unit.
7. Drugs
Prescription medications are prohibited from being stored.
Illegal narcotics are prohibited from being stored, even if medical cards are presented.
Drug trades are illegal and cannot be run from within storage units.
8. Hazardous Material
All hazardous materials need to be stored in regards to temperature and regulations. Storage
facilities cannot guarantee these regulations on site and therefore do not allow hazardous
materials to be stored. Please research proper storage in accordance to the material you are
looking at storing, and find an alternative. If hazardous materials are stored improperly they
can leak from their containers and cause environmental damage and health risks. Some
hazardous materials include:
Cleaning products
Roofing Tar
Paint, paint thinner, paint removers
9. Firearms [No_Gun]
For the safety of tenants and staff, firearms are prohibited from being stored on site. There
are specific regulations to safely store firearms and storage facilities do not fall under those
regulations. It is illegal to store firearms and ammo in a storage facility even if you are a
licensed gun owner.
-- Do you have any general tips to maximize my storage space?
Make a list of all your boxes and contents. Get all your packing needs before you start
packing. This will save you time going to the store repeatedly. Place frequently used items
near the door. Leave a walking space to get to the back of the storage if needed. Turn sofas
on end to save space. Fill all drawers and large appliances with delicate items. Plastic bins
make excellent moisture resistant storage containers and are easier to stack.
-- What’s the best way to store furniture?
Do not place furniture directly on cement floor. You can raise it a bit with 2x2 wood pieces.
Cover furniture & mattress' with blankets and comforters, they will protect from dust and
scratches. Dissemble beds and tables for they will take up less space. You can stack most
kitchen and dining room chairs.
Your unit will have been cleaned before you move in. A good idea is to use pallets, 2×4′s,
plywood, or anything that will keep your items off the floor of the unit. This will aid with
airflow and is especially recommended for fabric items like mattresses.
-- How do I prepare Furniture for self storage?
Disassemble items such as tables, bed frames, etc. (This will save space.) Wrap and label all
pieces for an easier time when you have to reassemble them. Put all hardware in bags and
mark the bags accordingly.
When storing: If possible store couches on end. Stack chairs seat to seat. When stacking
furniture use paper pads in between to avoid scratching.
-- How should I store appliances?
A refrigerator or freezer should be thoroughly dry and stored with its door ajar. Boxes can be
stacked on top of appliances. Make sure stoves and cooking equipment are clean for they can
attract rodents.
Make sure that all appliances are clean and dry before storing them. Leave appliances slightly
ajar to prevent mildew.
Do not forget to defrost and clean appliances before you store them.
-- How do I pack books and documents?
Pack books flat to protect their spines. Do not place cardboard boxes directly on the floor. Do
not pack fragile items in the same box as books and do not overload. Books can get heavy
-- Should fabric items be packed in boxes?
Clothing and drapes should be stored on hangers. Bedding linens should be stored in dresser
drawers or cedar chests.
-- How should I pack my dishes and glassware?
Place a layer of bubble wrap inside the bottom and top of the boxes containing glassware.
Wrap items separately. Labels for identification are important on all boxes but mostly boxes
with glassware.
-- Should I use newspaper to wrap my items?
Do not use newspapers to wrap any items because the ink will stain your items. Use clean
white newsprint for these items. Pack lamps and delicate décor with lots of room for bubble
-- How should I store mirrors, paintings and other flat objects?
Store mirrors and paintings on end, not flat.
-- How should I store photographs?
These should be stored in totes with a cover that closes tightly.
-- How do I pack electronics?
When you disassemble electronics, such as computers, stereos, things that have numerous
cords, place a small colored sticker on the cord and the same colored sticker where the cord
goes. This will save you the hassle of trying to figure out what goes where when it comes
time to reassemble your electronics. If possible, use the original boxes to store your
electronics and other items.
-- Do I have to do anything special with metal items?
An item such as bikes, tools, rakes, etc... Should be cleaned and lightly oiled before storing.
This will prevent rust.
-- How do I pack my self storage space to best preserve and for easiest access to my items?
Label the boxes an all six sides and keep a list for easy reference. This will save you time if
you have to look for something in particular.
When packing boxes fill them without making them too heavy to lift. Utilize all the space in
your unit. Make a plan as to how you are going to arrange your items. A good plan will save
you the time of having to rearrange your unit. Leave an aisle in the center of your unit so that
you have a walk way to the back of the unit. You can use freestanding shelves to help organize
your unit. Always put the heavier boxes on the bottom and the lighter ones on top of the
heavier ones. This will prevent boxes from being crushed. Keep boxes off the floor. Make
sure that all appliances are clean and dry before storing them. Leave appliances slightly ajar
to prevent mildew. Keep the more valuable items in the rear of the unit. This will prevent
others from seeing them when you are in your unit. Keep out of season clothes accessible.
You may have your belongings in self storage longer than anticipated. Be aware of your
surroundings when you are in your unit. If you see a potential problem or anything suspicious
alert the manager. Do not use plastic to cover your belongings. It retains moisture. If possible
store couches on end. Stack chairs seat to seat. Use the inside of appliances and drawers to
store smaller items. When stacking furniture use paper pads in between to avoid scratching.
-- Are there any storage restrictions?
Combustible and hazardous items such as, fuel, fireworks, alcohol, aerosols, cleaners, paint,
paint thinners, etc.… should not be stored. Firearms and explosives are not to be stored.
Storage of animals or plants is against regulation. Animal products are also not allowed for
they will attract vermin. Perishable foods will attract vermin and are not to be stored in unit.
Odorous items are prohibited for the odor will spread to other units.
-- Are the items I store insured?
Purchase the insurance. If your belongings are worth storing, they are worth insuring. Do not
assume that your homeowners or renters insurance will cover your belongings, call them to make
sure. Purchase insurance that will cover your stored items.
-- Once I’ve moved in, is there anything I should keep in mind?
Be sure to check your unit once per month. Be aware of your surroundings when you are in
your unit. If you see a potential problem or anything suspicious alert the manager. Do not
give out your gate code or any information to anyone that should not have access to the site.